Inspections Solutions
MobiSoft provides its customers with feature rich Mobile Inspection Solutions to cater for industry specific requirements. Our solutions vary between specialist systems for tourism, labor, buildings, food safety, and violations inspection software.
Our easy to use mobile inspection applications lead to complete entirely paperless inspections, from simple questionnaire checklists to complex. Moreover, they are flexible and customizable solutions, where they perfectly can accommodate the customer's particular preferences and expectations.
With continuous collaboration between MobiSoft and our sister company RealSoft, we developed full solutions for automated inspections consist of both mobile and desktop applications, with integrated business workflow ensuring that inspections are conducted correctly , on time, and with the highest quality possible.
Worth to mention here, that our solutions are successfully developed on different Mobile operating systems (IOS, android and windows).

Mobile Inspection Application Features
Mobile Data Collection cross different mobile platforms.
Assign tasks to data collector and tracking them over maps.
Ensure data completeness and consistency.
Embedded image capturing and printing functionalities.
Data synchronization using cable/Wi-Fi/3G/GPRS.
GIS module integrated with all inspection, classification, Licensing, and violation mobile applications.
Customizable forms, configure rules specific to the customer requirements and industry standards.
Our Experience
MobiSoft has participated in developing the tourism inspection solution that was successfully implemented for tourism ministry of Oman 2008. This solution was basically about classifying and rating the tourism establishments through field surveys, to collect some information related to the availability and quality of the offered services. The solution was flexible and wide so it covers the Food services, entertainment, view, room variations such as size and additional amenities, location and all what considered in rating the tourism establishments. Same solution where developed to the Jordan Ministry of Tourism in 2009.
At the same year, MobiSoft succefully implemented a field control and violation inspection solution in a number of KSA municipalities . The solution covers both the architecture/engineering perspectives and the health and safety ones.
In 2011, another inspection for labor force was held in Qatar, where MobiSoft has developed a Mobile application for labor inspection covered all the fields related to labor rights and rules to check and examine how national labor standards are applied in the workplace.
More inspection solutions have lately provided for tourism, labor, health, food safety, and fishing violation inspection projects for a number of Arab countries.