Geographical Information System - Technology
MobiSoft has performed many statistical surveys using the Geographical Information System (GIS) to facilitate the field work, by using maps and aerial photographs to locate and track workers in the field.
MobiSoft utilizes several tools to satisfy the increasing needs for the GIS technology, including: Oracle locator and Spatial Engine, Google Maps, and ESRI Suite of products. Besides they have produced an application called “MobiTracker“ for field surveyor tracking.
Our wide experience with the GIS technologies make us one of the leaders and a trusted service provider in the middle east, as we accelerated the use of this technology when we firstly integrate our census and survey solutions with map, employ Geodatabase census models – GIS Design and modelling, Idrisi maps, Demarcation and maps update, Mobile Discoverer Engine (IOS and Windows), GIS Data Decimations, and others in our wide GIS projects.

MobiSoft has extensive experience in GIS and Geospatial data management solutions and techniques, where we have implemented the latest technologies in GIS in large number of projects over the past ten years, many of which included creating Geospatial data application of geographical information systems solutions, database solutions, call center systems, and solutions for data transfer and integration between different institutions producing maps and geospatial data.
MobiSoft was the first company worldwide to deliver tablet based population census solution for the Omani government back in 2003, integrated with a GIS presentation for data visualization and dissemination through maps interface. Since then MobiSoft and the sister company RealSoft have continued to provide advance GIS solutions integrated with all their census and statistical survey packages for Population, Housing and Agricultural Censuses, Socio-Economic Indicators, Household Income and Expenditure, Labor Force Survey, Tourism Surveys, and else.