Mobile Medical Representatives (m-MR)

On the road most of their workday, visiting one physician, pharmacist or distributer at a time, wouldn’t it be great if medical representatives could write their reports, schedule their visits and meetings, plan their events both work-related and personnel and synchronize all this information while on the go?
MobiSoft’s Mobile Medical Representatives (m-MR) assists Medical companies, supervisors, and medical representatives achieve the above and much more.
Mobile application
Core module
- Customers
- Define and maintain customers (physicians/pharmacists/distributers
- Provide detailed information about customers including: basic information, contact details, specialization, workplaces and schedule
- Workplaces
- Define and maintain workplaces (clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, polyclinics…)
- Link customers to their workplaces and specify their work schedule
- Visits & Activities
- Record and plan visits, double visits, symposia, meetings… in details
- Keep track of promotional items given at each activity
- Record and plan personal activities including office hours, cycle meetings, vacations…
- Synchronization
- Electronic synchronization of data to and from the back office through USB Cable/3G/EDGE
Ad-on Modules
- MobiTracker
- Track the exact location of medical representatives
- Provide online/offline tracking using Google maps
- Record each representative’s work route
- Navigation & Routing
- Provide navigation and routing functionalities to medical representatives during field visits
Administrative website modules
- Setup & Configuration
- Define & maintains item classifications, specializations, area bricks and promotional items…
- Users
- Define & maintain supervisors, medical representatives & teams
- Team Management
- Allocate representatives to area bricks and items
- Visits & Activities
- Plan visits and activities for your team and monitor their progress
- Review detailed information about each visit and activity